Monday, March 8, 2010

Weight Watcher Smoothies

All of these recipes use Weight Watcher Smoothie Mixes.  Break the recipe up into as many servings as you like - 3 small, 2 medium, 1 large.

Frapachino Look-a-like
1 package ww vanilla smoothie mix.
1 c skim milk
Cold coffee
Optional: flavored creamer, whip cream

Add smoothie mix and milk to a blender.  Add coffee (amount depends on how strong you like it - start with 1/2 c to see how you like it.) Slowly add ice blend until desired consistency. I like thick shake consistency so I add around 1 cup of ice.  To add additional sweetness, try a fat free flavored creamer, just a tablespoon or two should do the trick.  Top with whip cream (fat free) if you desire.  So delicious!!

Berry Madness
1 package ww vanilla smoothie mix.
1 c skim milk
1/2 c frozen berries (any variety) (no sugar added)

Add smoothie mix, berries, and milk to a blender. Slowly add ice blend until desired consistancy. I like thick shake consistancy so I add around 1 cup of ice.
optional: add a 1/2 ripe banana to add sweetness, also good with 1/2 c orange juice.

Chocolate Raspberry Lovelies
1 package ww chocolate smoothie mix.
1 c skim milk
1/2 c frozen raspberries (no sugar added)
Add smoothie mix, berries, and milk to a blender. Slowly add ice blend until desired consistancy. I like thick shake consistancy so I add around 1 cup of ice. Optional: Top with whipped cream (fat free)

Chocolate Cherry Bomb Smoothies
1 package ww chocolate smoothie mix
1 c skim milk
1/2 c frozen cherries
Add smoothie mix, cherries, and milk to a blender. Slowly add ice blend until desired consistancy. I like thick shake consistancy so I add around 1 cup of ice. Optional: Top with whipped cream (fat free)

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