I have updated the TZ Critics page at the top. I have listed a 6 month update since so much has changed specifically in the last couple of months. I think those of you that are struggling to keep your family happy while making healthy changes will like what you read! Stay Strong and Drink More Water!!
I walked and partially jogged in a 5K this weekend. As I have stated before, I am obese, so this was no small challenge.
I was the largest participant.
I did not finish last, but it was close.
I did finish in under an hour.
I have mixed feelings about this race. I am NOT sorry I did it! I WILL do another one! I loved the feeling it gave me, empowerment, that is how I would describe it. I thought of quitting, taking a shortcut a couple of times but I pushed through it. I thought about my tshirt, it said "Empowered by God" and I prayed. I prayed for strength, endurance and a decent song in my head to keep me going. I prayed for shade at one point and breeze at another. I praised that I was even able to participate, that I was doing it, and that He is my strength.
I was embarrassed. Embarrassed that I had let myself get so out of control. Embrassed that I could not walk as fast as I thought I could. Embarrassed that I was so far behind the crowd. Embarrassed everytime a well doer that I didn't know cheered me on. I look back on that particular embarrassment and I am thankful that they did. I wanted to be the typical heavy girl hiding from everyone. I wanted to do this for me, not in front of them.
I regret I didn't take my iPod. I realized how much the music distracts me and keeps me going. So if you are thinking of participating in a 5K, take your earphones and some music! Also, participate with friends. I am so glad I did. I had the support of friends cheering me on, and two even came back when they were finished and walked the rest of my walk with me. I love my friends!
This 5K also pushed me off a stale weightloss wagon and pushed me into gear again. I have had stale moments in this journey, but I keep changing it up and so far so good. I can't wait to see where it will take me. Are you on this journey too? Leave me a comment and I'll cheer you on too!
I love you so much! I am so glad we are in each other's lives and encouraging each other. I am thankful that you let me vent and know I am not about to lose my mind or my faith in Christ, I just need to vent. So excited we are back together for the summer in Bible Study!